Coerver Coaching Diploma 1 – Rockhampton QLD

The 4th and 5th of February saw the Coerver Youth diploma run for the first time in Rockhampton QLD.
Over the two days Coerver Coaching provided an insight into the Coerver method and it's philosophy and had players from Berserker Bears Football club participate in the practical components.
“It was a pleasure delivering the Coerver Coaching Youth Diploma to coaches from Rockhampton, surrounding areas and Sydney imparting our curriculum, methodology, resources and tips on becoming better coaches.
I was made to feel welcome by all and was very impressed with their enthusiasm and passion for grass roots football as well as the leadership and direction taken by the local clubs. The weekend confirmed there are many talented coaches and players in regional areas and how important it is for Coerver Coaching to aid in their development.
I would like to say a big thank you to all involved especially Blair Grice for his fantastic hospitality, the Berserker football club, and the wonderful children who worked ever so hard in demonstrating the practicals.” said Andy Ravanello Coerver Coaching Instructor.
The next Coerver Coaching Diploma 1 in Youth Development will be held in Canberra in April 2017, please click here for further information and to register.