Coerver ® Coaching ACT’s Instructor Andrew Aitchison will travel to Japan in July

Konichiwa Japan!
Coerver ® Coaching ACT’s Instructor Andrew Aitchison will travel to Japan in July to embark on a 5 week coach exchange program with Coerver ® Coaching Japan.
Andrew will join Japanese full time Coerver ® Coaches at clinics and camps across Japan totally immersing himself in the Japanese culture and the Coerver ® Coaching Japan program. Coerver Coaching Japan has over 21,000 students each week in their program with over 600 staff so we are sure Andrew will be kept busy during his stay.
Andrew was a Coerver ® Kid for 13 years and graduated to become a Coerver ® Instructor where he has been coaching on programs across the ACT for the past year. Andrew follows in the footsteps of several Coerver ACT instructors over the past decade who have been provided this wonderful opportunity of being part of a true global football education program.
Follow Andrew's Japanese adventure at the Coerver Coaching Asia Pacific Facebook Page with daily updates.