Coerver® Coaching reintroduced to Sydney with a bang!

Coerver Coaching was reintroduced to Sydney with a bang this September School Holidays, with the first Coerver Coaching Sydney North Shore Holiday Camp.
Over 60 players attended Coerver Coaching Sydney North Shore's inaugural Holiday Camp at Norman Griffiths Oval from 25 - 28 September.
The players were treated to 4 fantastic days of technical soccer skills development in a fun and safe environment, delivered by official qualified Coerver Coaches.
Coerver Coaching Sydney North Shore Director Cam Jones was happy to see the success of the first holiday camp, which he believes is a positive sign for future Coerver Coaching programs in the Sydney North Shore area.
"It was great that over 60 kids were getting a world class technical skills program which I believe is not only needed for the future of our game, but also what they deserve. What Coerver also teaches are life skills these young people can use no matter where they go in life. A small percentage of players will make it to the elite level, but if we have players coming out of our programs with more confidence, creativity, courage, dedication, and care for their mate next to them, then a large part of our job is done!"
We would like to congratulate all players who attended the Coerver Coaching Sydney North Shore Holiday Camp, and look forward to seeing you all in future Coerver Coaching programs.
Click here to see the Coerver Coaching Sydney North Shore programs available to you now.