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Coerver Coaching ACT Performance Academy Graduation Evening 2017/18

The COERVER® Coaching Performance Academy Graduation is an evening which recognises the hard work and player accomplishments over the summer.

All COERVER® Performance Academy players are expected to attend. All family members are encouraged and most welcome to attend.

All attending players will be presented with a medallion, a graduation certificate, their individual report and testing results.

Other Awards being presented on the evening will include the COERVER® Coaching ACT Performance Academy Squad Player of the Year for:

U7s, U8s, U9s, U10s, U11s, U12s, U13s, U14/15s, Youth Girls, Senior Girls and Senior Boys;

The overall COERVER® Coaching ACT Player of the Year 2017/2018, Jim Roberts Perpetual Trophy

Coerver Coaching Excellence Award

DATE: Friday 9th February 2018

TIME: Doors open at 6:15PM for a 6:30PM start. We should conclude by approximately 7:45PM

VENUE: The Boiler House Lecture Theatre, Building 14, North Gate Kirinari St, off College St University of Canberra, Bruce.

DRESS: Players are to wear their adidas COERVER® Coaching training shirt and casual dress shorts/pants. Casual dress for all other attendees.

CARPARKING: Is available free of charge on campus at the University of Canberra on arrival after 6:00PM, if you arrive earlier parking will be charged as per previous emails.

*Please add in the comments your child’s name and squad and how many people will be attending.

Quick Information

10/01/2018 - 09/02/2018

University of Canberra




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